1. Credit Card
If you have a credit or debit card (independent bank), you can use it safely through our online order form. The payment process is completed on the day of the start of the process of sending the products, at which time the debit of your credit card is confirmed. Kreittonkoinsep.gr has taken all the necessary measures for the security of your transactions through your credit card, always through the secure environment of the Eurobank website.
2. Deposit in the Bank
You can choose the bank that facilitates you to deposit the amount of your order. In the bank deposit you must enter as a reason your full name or order number which automatically leaves the system. For the fastest execution of your order you must send us by e-mail the depository of the Bank at info@kreittonkoinsep.gr, or contact us by phone at 2310274445. We kindly ask you for deposits from a non-cooperating bank to make the deposit only at Eurobank.
The costs of bank deposits from non-cooperating banks are borne exclusively by the customer. The bank accounts to which you can deposit the money are:
Alpha bank
(IBAN): GR9801407090709002330003057
The costs of bank deposits from non-cooperating banks are borne exclusively by the customer.
3. Payment at the physical store