The Social Cooperative Enterprise of Integration KREITTON is a body of K.AL.O. (Social Solidarity Economy) which was established, in accordance with the provisions of circumstance ab, of par. 2, of article 14 of Law 4430/2016.
We are a private legal entity with commercial status and have insurance & tax liabilities, like all legal persons governed by private law.
As a Social Cooperative Integration Company, we have no owners or shareholders.
We belong to our cooperative members, each of which holds 1 (one) only cooperative share worth € 100.00 and has only 1 (one) vote in the General Assembly.
At least 50% of its cooperative members belong to the Special Social Groups.
At least 60% of the Employees in Social Cooperative Enterprises (KOINSEP) must be cooperative members.
In the Social Cooperative Enterprise of Integration KREITTON with 100% of the employees they are cooperative members by choice.
The Social Cooperative Enterprises (KREITTON) have the General Assembly as their supreme body and are governed by the Steering Committee elected by the General Assembly for a specific term of office.
The annual profits of the Social Cooperative Enterprises (KOINSEP) are not distributed to the members, but are available as follows:
- A) 5% for the creation of a regular reserve.
- B) 60% for the creation of new jobs and the general expansion of productive activity and the achievement of social goals.
- C) 35% is distributed to employees as a productivity bonus unless 2/3 of the General Meeting decides reasonably this percentage or part of it, to be directed to case B.