- Inclusion of an act with code N16LE-0359636 in the Action “e-Retail – Grant
existing SMEs in the retail sector, for development / upgrade and management of an online store “of the ΕP “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPANEK)”, NSRF 2014 – 2020– Code 034KE. (http // et.diavgeia.gov.gr ΑΔΑ 9ΡΨ446ΜΤΛΡ-6Β0)
- OAED, decision of inclusion 22/2021/000079262997 / 17.5.2021 in the program ΄΄Subsidy of companies for the employment of 9,200 beneficiaries of VOUCHER IN THE LABOR MARKET, year 2020.΄΄
- OAED, decision to include 443 / 18.5.2021 in the program ΄΄Subsidy of companies for the employment of 2,000 unemployed people with disabilities (PWDs), addicted to addictiv, released prisoners, young offenders or young people at social risk΄΄.
- OAED, decision to join 22/2021/000079550689 / 31.5.2021 in the program of gaining work experience in digital marketing for 5,000 unemployed people up to 29 years old.